
Welcome to The Load Save Newsletter!

Thanks for checking out Load Save! This newsletter's goal is to provide you with interesting and relevant articles about what's happening in the video game world. You can expect pieces about what's happening in the industry, news about software and hardware development, and headlines about what's going on in the gaming community. Complementing these links are my personal takes, which are easily disputable. So please reach out to me and let me know what you think about my thoughts! There is a lot of video game news out there. So if there's an article that interests you that isn't in the newsletter, send it my way! Odds are I'll like it too and I'll put it in the next edition.

This week in gaming: we'll see the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of the gaming industry, how a seven year old game is back in the limelight, and how the Nintendo Switch is still the coolest system.

Enjoy the read!

Seth Morris  



Before You Go

Thanks For Reading!

You can expect Load Save to hit your inbox every week with a new selection of video game news. Disagree with anything I said? Do I need to elaborate on any points? Is the name of this newsletter dumb? Respond to this email with whatever is on your mind.

If you see any interesting or crazy articles about gaming, feel free to send that in as well. I'll share comments and recommendations on the next week's newsletter!

Thanks again, and I'll see you next week on the next edition of Load Save.

Seth Morris