
Nintendo Rocks The Beginning of September

As gamers were resting before the major releases begin next week, Nintendo gave them a delightful wake up call in the form of a Nintendo Direct. This Direct was one for the history books, announcing so much for their flagship console, the Nintendo Switch. If you want a kick, watch this video of Nintendo fans reacting to the Direct at the Nintendo store in New York. The first link this week is a roundup of everything announced in the Direct. In short, our cup runneth over. If you aren't too interested in Nintendo, we have a few other articles not pertaining to the Direct! The end of 2019 is going to be packed with game releases, and I can't wait to cover as many of them as I can. Thanks for sticking with me this far!

Prepare yourself for the onslaught of video games and, as always, enjoy the read!

Seth Morris  



Before You Go

The End of The Beginning

It's the end of the newsletter, but it's the beginning of some big video game releases. Next week, Borderlands 3 releases. After that, we have a few games releasing at the end of the month. You can expect to see some reviews of these games in the newsletter along with my personal takes. I'm excited to see what people think of BL3. Let me know what you think of anything that's happened this week and what games you're excited to play in the coming weeks. Have a great week!

Seth Morris  

Required Reading