
Just For Laughs

New Horizons, community, and buying games to help COVID-19 Relief.

This week we focus a lot on Community, which is something that a lot of people are lacking right now. But with online video games and apps like Zoom and Discord, we can still hang out with those we love and feel a little bit less lonely during this pandemic.

There was also a sad bit of news this week. The Last of Us 2 and Iron Man VR are being delayed "indefinitely" due to logistic issues caused by COVID-19. This is just is hard for the developers as it is for the fans, so try to be understanding and patient with them as they figure this out. I have a bad feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg of delays due to the pandemic.

On the brighter side of things, let's take a look at what articles we got this week:

The pandemic is showing how important accessibility is

Humble Bundle is offering one of their best bundles yet

Super Mario could be the star of Christmas

If you like what you're reading, spread it around! You can forward this email to your friends or post a link of the Load Save website to your social platforms. You can also find Load Save on Twitter and Facebook if you want to drop by and say hello!

As always, stay safe and enjoy the read!

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Before You Go

Social Distancing Drags On

Thanks for reading this week's Load Save. I hope it provides some escape from the bleak world we live in right now. I'm hoping to do more with video games by getting back to streaming and writing one-off articles. If you want to keep up with what I'm doing, feel free to check out my social platforms.

Thanks for stopping by. I'll see you next week!

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