
Let's Take A Breather

What are your favorite gaming websites?

I want Load Save to grab articles from all across the web, but there are a lot of gaming sites with a lot of great content. So what's your favorite website? I want to highlight different opinion pieces and stray away from linking the same authors every week. Shoot me an email and let me know some of your favorite sites and authors!


Things are heating up

This week was PlayStation's week to shine with its showcase of next-gen capabilities. Although that was the gaming highlight of most people's week, there are some articles that you have to read, like

How Nintendo's Game & Watch impacted their whole gaming outlook

The work that goes into localising video games

How a My Little Pony game made its way to EVO

These are only some of the great articles from this past week. Find even more of them below, plus I finally found a super easy way for you to send me any comments or questions about each week's issue. All you have to do is click a link and Gmail should pull open a draft email already addressed to me (the link is below). I'm looking forward to hearing from y'all!

As always, enjoy the read and stay safe!

Load Save  



Before You Go

Summer is in full swing

Sumer is in full effect, and that means game announcements are on the horizon. This is such an exciting time in gaming behind we are on the cusp of next-gen, so everything announced is going to look larger than life. I can't wait for the future of this industry and for the future of this newsletter.

Remember you can find Load Save on Twitter and Facebook! I'll be posting more articles throughout the week on those platforms, so stop by and say hey.

Thanks for taking the time to read this week's issue. I'll see you next time!


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Seth Morris