

I was published this week on Game Critics, a full review of Fallout 76: Wastelanders. But in light of everything's that going on, that doesn't really matter. Like many publications, I'm dedicating this week to highlight Black creators and communities in video games as well as how the industry is responding. Black creators and communities should always be highlighted and I'm taking this week to learn to do that.

I stand against racism and the police brutality that has been so rampant throughout the past few years. I realize my errors of not taking a more serious stance against this earlier, but I hope that I can change the error of my ways and let the world know that Black Lives Matter. This past week we marched in the name of George Floyd, but I know that the protests won't stop there. I know there's a change coming and I'm looking forward to the better America that is one the other side of this change.

I want to highlight The Pause Button. In this week's issue, they included an incredible opening statement about their support of Black Lives. Their words surpass anything I could have written and I'm so proud to see the gaming newsletter community support basic human rights.

I also want to highlight The Game Fanatics, a gaming blog and community that is run by and highlights diverse content creators. They're also the creators of the incredible image associated with this issue. They've been spreading knowledge about the place of Black content creators in the gaming industry and I'm so thankful for their voice. Here's a link to the Black Fist image.

This past week had a lot of great articles that highlight Black voices, so many that I can't cover all of them in one issue. I encourage you to go and find even more articles that highlight these voices, educate yourself on these issues, donate to Black Lives Matter causes, and protest. Whatever you do, don't be silent.

As always, stay safe.

Black Lives Matter  



Before You Go

Silence is violence

Thanks for taking the time to check out this week's issue. I hope that these articles helped open your eyes about what minorities are going through, especially in the gaming industry, and how you can support them. Before this week, I never focused on how I could support Black content creators in gaming, but these articles have helped me understand how and why I should.

If you're looking for more resources on how you can support BLM and how you can educate yourself, here's a few that I've found very helpful:

Support Black Lives: Donations, Petitions, and More

Ally Resources For Supports of Black Lives Matter

Systemic Racism Explained

The Disturbing History of the Suburbs (Redlining explained)

Black Lives Matter