Xbox Series X: Quick Resume Is A (Literal) Game Changer
Is Quick Resume a generation defining feature? Yes. In fact, it's one of the heralding points of next-gen tech and stands right beside faster loading times as industry-moving innovations.
But will we actually use Quick Resume?
This is the question that I keep coming back to each time someone praises this new Xbox feature. It's incredible to watch Quick Resume in action, but I've never felt the need for this feature.
Michael Higham, writer of this article, describes how he uses it to switch from a list of different genres, but that makes sense as playing multiple games is part of his job. For me, when I sit down to play something, I'm going to play one game for that play session. Is that just me?
I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Will be switching from RPG to shooter to walking sim with the Xbox Series X/S? Let me know!
Image credit: Tom Warren
Just For Laughs

The 9 best spaceships in PC games
Is Elite: Dangerous a real game??
Every bit of gameplay I read about it sounds completely unreal, like gaming hasn't reached that level yet, but then again I'm a console gamer and some PC games are a millenia ahead. If anyone plays Elite please let me know if the game is as insane as it sounds.
In other news, Star Wars Squadrons game out this week. I so badly want to play it in VR, so if anyone wants to donate a PSVR to a lowly newsletter creator, it would be much appreciated.
Image credit: EA Games
Let's Talk!
Let's Talk!
Each issue of Load Save is filled with articles that encourage discussion. If you have any comments on this week’s issue or just want to say hey, shoot me an email!
It's getting colder, why not warm up with a fresh cup of Load Save?
It's getting a bit chilly out there down here in the South. I'm starting to crave Pumpkin Spice Latte, cool jazz, and starting some spooky games to get into the vibes of the season.
A perfect compliment to these things is a brand new issue of Load Save.
This week, we take a look at wide span of gaming news, like:
Will we actually use Xbox's Quick Resume Feature?
Looking at the good, bad, and the ugly of Super Mario Sunshine
Why one of Dartmouth College's most popular classes is about video games
Thanks for checking this week's issue out, enjoy the read!

Cyberpunk 2077 devs are working crunch, report claims
My brain:
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it...
I feel like I've said this 100 times and I'm sorry if you're getting tired of hearing it, but I can't help but imagine that things would be better if this was the case.
I know it's not viable because of company stakeholders and some fans are the worst, but if all those parties got better, I feel like games would come out better and devs wouldn't be overworked.
It bums me out that any game dev is pushing a dev past their limits and possibly causing mental breakdowns... I hope they can get through this tough time.
Image credit: CD Projekt Red

What the Addition of Minecraft's Steve Means for Smash Bros. Ultimate
When I saw that Steve was the next Smash fighter, I responded with "ha... what?"
I'm not incredibly invested in Smash DLC. I don't own any of the DLC characters, but I do get excited whenever a new one is announced. The addition of Steve really was out of left field, especially when you look at the teased movesets of the character. This is the most excited I've been to see how a Smash fighter will actually play.
There's no need for me to get my hopes up anymore, so I'm officially giving up the hope that Sora will be a Smash fighter. So long, dreams.
Image credit: Nintendo

Let's Debate The Merits Of Super Mario Sunshine
I beat the story of Super Mario Sunshine this past weekend. I give the game a solid 6/10. When compared with the whole gaming industry, it's a good game. When compared to other 3D Mario games, it's one of the worst, in my opinion.
That's why this article really scratched the itch of wanting to discuss my issues with this game. I could fill up an entire podcast with the issues of this game, but this article touches on a lot of them and brings up some good points that I hadn't considered, like Sunshine being a foundational piece of 3D Mario games today.
I still have about 40 Shines to get before I 100% the game, but I'm wondering if it's worth? Feel free to convince me.
Image credit: Nintendo

Game Informer's Best Games Of The Generation
As this generation comes to close (which is still crazy to say), articles like these are bound to start popping up. In fact, people on Twitter have already taken to listing their 4 favorite titles from this generation, which acts as a trip down memory road.
I love reminiscing on these games and the feelings I had when first playing them. I would love to hear your thoughts and your top games from this gen!
If you want to see some more rankings/rewards, check out GI's end of generation awards.
Image credit: Game Informer

Outer Wilds' existential loneliness is engaging, entertaining
Sometimes I love reading people's feelings about a game more than actually *playing * the game.
I love the idea that the world of Outer Wilds isn't waiting for the player to come and explore and interact, instead it just exists in the same way that our world exists. But, Outer Wilds is in space, so it's a million times cooler.
I love purposefully lonely games that play into that emotion, and on the flipside, I hate games that make you feel lonely unintentionally. Loneliness is such a profound human emotion that media has been playing with it for years and years, and it looks like Outer Wilds really nails it.
Image credit: Mobius Digital

'Video Games and the Meaning of Life': A Look into One of Dartmouth’s Most Popular Classes
A link to Dartmouth? Like the college?
Yes, the college. I found this article through a new gaming newsletter I found this week called "How Games Are Changing The World," written by ex-IGN employee Colin Campbell. The title pretty much explains the mission of the newsletter, so if it piques your interest, check it out here!
Even though I'm drowning in my current college class load, I would gladly make time for this course. The brief descriptions from students and TAs make this class sound so interesting. The topics of discussions are topics that I love to discuss through this newsletter and I would love to be apart of those conversations.
What I would give to watch these lectures on YouTube.
Image credit: This article
Before You Go
Time to get spooky
It's the month of Halloween, that means I'm playing some spooky games that I'll probably never finish after this month is over.
Luckily, we can get spooked together! I'm streaming them over on my Twitch. Right now I'm playing through Bloodborne, but who knows what the rest of the month holds!
I'll see you over there!