PlayStation 5 Will Update The Rest Mode Option
When my family owned a PS2, we had a rule that we had to unplug the power supply from it after turning it off. I thought this was the standard for turning it off (showing my age here, but it was really my first console.) It was years after that I was at a friends house and watched him turn off the PS2 and leave the power cord plugged in. I was shocked. The red light was glowing so noticeably. How could he be so reckless? I brazenly asked him, aren't you going to unplug it? He responded with one word: "no." It was then that I realized: my parents had instilled energy-saving behavior in me since I was young. So when the PS4 first launched, I thought the Rest Mode was a great innovation. It allowed you to "turn off" the PS4 while downloads still went on. You didn't even have to exit out of your game! To this day, I still love the feeling of sitting down and turning on the PS4 to immediately pick up where I left off. I'm glad this innovation will be improved in the next-gen! Regardless of your view on climate change, it's always a good thing to save some energy and pay less on your bill!
Image credit: Playstation.com

The Uncharted Movie Gets Another Director, But Will It Ever Release?
I just laugh whenever I see a story about the Uncharted movie. I doubt it will ever be released, but if it is, I'm almost positive that it will be garbage. Even with Tom Holland as Nathan Drake, the directing and plot will most likely be horrendous. I hate to be this negative, but the tumultuous past of this movie only points to eventual failure. I would love to be wrong about this! I will happily eat my words if this movie is even slightly good. Maybe we'll see it one day as a direct-to-Blu-ray film. But by then we'll all be old and will have forgotten about Uncharted.
Image credit: Screenrant

Gears 5 has great accessibility options for deaf and blind players - Polygon
A really great read on accessibility for gaming and making sure that everyone who wants to play can play. This again proves that Xbox is the leader of accessible gameplay and Playstation needs to catch up. Cheers to Coalition Games for making a great game that is customizable to make the gamer feel comfortable. Have you played a game that was better because of customizable options? Let me know what it was!

Mario Kart Tour Falls Prey To Microtransactions
In my opinion, Nintendo should give up on the mobile gaming market. With the release of Switch Lite, Nintendo should be focused on providing a great portable experience on their stellar hardware. Putting out watered down versions of their classic games on phones only to generate negative thoughts toward the company is damaging to the brand. It looks like the mobile team isn't in communication with the team in charge of Switch Online, since Switch Online is cheaper than the subscription service for Mario Kart Tour. This just seems ridiculous. Every time Nintendo does something great (i.e. Switch Lite), they have to balance it out with a mistake (i.e. Mario Kart Tour). At least that Toad commercial is still cute.
Image credit: Mario Kart Tour Twitter
Just For Laughs

Untitled Goose Game Invades Other Games
This is a good article to brighten up your day. If you're confused, Untitled Goose Game has taken the internet by storm. There's a plethora of YouTube videos that show the hilarity of this game, so do yourself a favor and go check some out if you haven't. After that, read this article and have a few chuckles.
Image credit: Celsius Game Studios Twitter
Bidding September Goodbye
September has been a packed month. Not only did we get some great releases like Borderlands 3 and Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, we got more announcements than we can remember. As September closes, we look ahead to more exciting Fall releases such as Luigi's Mansion 3, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and my most hyped, Death Stranding. I don't think we'll see many more new games announced as we close out 2019, but I'm excited to play all of these games! We can all go bankrupt together.
We got some hot takes and some funny articles this week, so shoot me an email with what you're thinking! If you want more funny and lighthearted articles, let me know! You can respond to this email or tweet me @SethMcMorris.
As always, enjoy the read!

Oculus Quest Will Add Hand Tracking In 2020
Gone are the days of dastardly wires! The Oculus Quest has been the most interesting Oculus product to me since Oculus first came about. I remember wanting the dev kits they sent out of the original headset, but that faded after I realized all the accessories required to use it. The Quest scratches my itch of wanting a VR experience without the terrible wires and need for a high-end PC. I'm excited to see how developers will use hand and finger tracking in games. With each step forward in VR technology, we're one step closer to becoming Jedi. This was announced at the Oculus Connect. If you're interested in what else was announced, check out the roundup here.
Image credit: Hand Tracking on Oculus Quest Video

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Are Being Harassed By Angry Fans
Originally, I had this article linked as well as an article about the year-long exclusivity deal. However, I think this article is more important and it links to the year-long exclusivity issue as well. It may seem like I link articles like these often, but I think it's important to remember that game devs have feelings. When you're upset about a decision some game dev made, don't go harass them on Twitter or Reddit just to make yourself feel better. If you have to make others feel bad about their decisions to make yourself feel better, there's something wrong with you. I'm not pulling punches here because it's ridiculous that people think it's okay to say terrible things to other people through social media. You should still be able to voice your opinion, but do it in a way that doesn't personally attack somebody. We have to actively be against this trend of attacking developers. We have to do better! Send me an email with your thoughts about this, I would love to discuss it.
Image credit: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Behind the Scenes Story Trailer

Rockstar Isn't Working On Single-Player DLC
This is sad to hear. While I'm glad that Red Dead Online is enjoying some success and the team is committed to keeping it updated and fresh, I'm sad that there won't be any single player DLC for the time being. While the game ends relatively close to where the original Red Dead Redemption picks up, there's still so much world that could be explored through DLC. We could play as Dutch when he and Micah are off on their own, we could see what happened to Blackwater before the game started, or we could explore any of the enthralling side missions throughout the game. The possibilities are endless, so I would be surprised if Rockstar never made a single-player DLC for RDR2. I could see Rockstar waiting until the release of the next generation to drop a DLC with a "Complete Edition" that comes packed with in-game items and upgraded graphics. We will absolutely see RDR2 on next-gen, so it would make sense to add some new DLC with it. What do you think? Would you buy a Complete Edition for your next-gen console?

Dauntless Leaves Early Access With 15 Million Players
15 million players in an Early Access game is incredible. To put that in perspective, PUBG had about 26 million players (based on sales). Granted, PUBG was massively popular and made the battle royale category a huge hit. So, Dauntless being anywhere close to PUBG is shocking! I've kept up with news and interviews with the Dauntless team, and it seems like a great game. The game moving out of early access will hopefully bring about some great updates that will keep players entertained for a good while. I'm waiting on the Switch release and I can't wait to give it a try. Are you playing Dauntless? Let me know what you think of it!
Image credit: Dauntless.com

September's State of Play Roundup
Playstation kicked the week off with their State of Play. Copying the Nintendo Direct format, State of Play had hype around it mostly due to The Last of Us 2. Some had hopes of a new Batman game being announced because of a cryptic teaser released on Batman day, but the Caped Crusader did not make an appearance. Other than that disappoint, the presentation was a solid 6/10. TLOU2 was an amazing announcement, but not a lot of it interested me. What about you? Did anything excite you?
Image credit: State of Play video

Inside Xbox Roundup
Xbox just couldn't stand Playstation having the spotlight to themselves on September 24, so they had their own announcement show a little bit after Playstation's. While the announcements weren't as big as Playstation's, they're still noteworthy. Game Pass continues to grow and with it, my desire to get an Xbox just for Game Pass. Some more trailers were shown for games that we're already excited about, like Outer Worlds, and there was some talk of Project xCloud. I'm especially excited to see if xCloud works well. If it does, Xbox's next gen will give Playstation a run for its money. Overall, September has had big announcement shows like this happening almost every week. I'm not complaining, but I think we're close to a dry spell when it comes to announcements. There can only be so many announcements, right? At some point the announcements will stop and the deals for the holiday season will roll in. Fear not, there will still be plenty of new stories to fill Load Save.
Image credit: Inside Xbox video
Before You Go
Wake Green Day Up
Thanks for checking out the newsletter! When the next edition launches, we'll be in October. September flew by! It's just about time to listen to Thriller on repeat. When it gets close to Halloween, I love to play, or at least start, one horror game to match the mood. This year, I think I'll go with Until Dawn. What would you recommend? If you have any questions or feedback, email or tweet me with what you got! Thanks again for stopping by.
I'll see you in October!