
Just For Laughs

A slight changeup

This week is a little light on commentary as I'm preparing to go on a cruise next week! Since I'll be away for all of next week, the next issue of Load Save is going to be a little different. I'm going to be shouting out other incredible video game newsletters and publications. There won't be any news, but hopefully you'll be able to tide over your need for gaming news with one of my recommendations. Keep an eye out for that!

This past week had a lot of interesting news and some cool interviews from PAX East 2020, so let's jump right into it!

p.s. I stumbled upon the best Chrome Extension. It's the Animal Crossing Music Extension, and it plays music from all of the Animal Crossing games depending on what time of day it is for you and what the weather is like. It's so pleasant and it's the best way to get hype for Animal Crossing: New Horizons

p.p.s. I swear if the PS5 gets a reveal while I'm on a boat in the middle of the ocean, I'm gonna be ticked.

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Link Dump

Small lil Dumpster Fire

Since PAX East was this past weekend, there's been some cool announcements that I wanted to include. Instead of linking each one individually, I'll drop them below.

Marvel Future Revolution is Marvel's first mobile open-world RPG that looks pretty fun! So far they've only released cinematic trailers, but it looks like it has potential. Also this is a link to their Twitter page because their website doesn't have any of the videos for some reason?

Final Fantasy VII Remake started this week off with a bang by releasing a demo, which I haven't played yet an that makes me very sad. But here's thoughts from Destructoid about how it feels.

Half-Life: Alyx released three gameplay videos and wowohwow it looks beautiful and incredible. The real test will be if the game can be played like that by someone on their first try.


Before You Go

I just have this feeling...

That the PS5 is going to drop some news or have a reveal or something while I'm gone. And I wouldn't know until I get back, because I doubt I'll be on the Internet much while I'm gone. If it does happen, congrats to everyone else! I'll just be out of the loop and disappointed forever.

But hey, once I get back, we'll one week away from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I'm so hyped. Until then, keep an eye out for next week's special edition featuring other awesome gaming newsletters.

If you want to reach out about any of the articles linked or about the newsletter, you can tweet me, message me on Facebook, or respond to this email! If you like what you're reading, tell a friend! Use Load Save as an icebreaker, or a way to get create a common interest with a friend, or just tell a stranger on the street about it. These are all legitimate ways to grow a newsletter, right?

Thanks again for reading, I'll see you next time!

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