
Just For Laughs

A pleasant blend

This week, we have a very nice blend of articles, from Loot Boxes being more transparent to Corona Relief Done Quick, there's a little bit for everyone. I also wrote my first opinion/review article in a long time: my take on Fallout 76: Wastelanders. It's the first article linked, so it's hard to miss. Give it a read and let me know what you think!

I really appreciate you taking time to read this week's issue. If you want to say hi or give any feedback, you can always respond to this email or find me on your choice of social platform!

Without further ado, stay safe and enjoy the read!

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Before You Go

More entertainment throughout the week

Well, another week goes on in quarantined life. I hope that Load Save brings you some entertainment or distracts you from the current state of the world. If you're looking for more to read or watch, keep an eye on my Medium account for more one-off articles and on my Twitch account for some livestreams. Right now I'm focusing on Fallout 76: Wastelanders, so come check out the stream if you want to see some gameplay.

Thanks again for reading, I hope that you're staying safe and happy in all of this craziness.

I'll see you next time!

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