
Pseudo-E3 2020 made a big splash

This week had a lot of great game announcements and articles to go along with them. Many are calling the multiple summer events "E3 2020" as there's no real way to group them all together. Lucky for us, this week doesn't mark the end of the announcements. We still have Xbox's big July event to look forward to, another Pokemon Direct next week, and maybeee a Nintendo Direct at some point?

Back to this week, here's a few of the highlights:

The FDA approved their first prescription video game for ADHD

Looking at how the NES, SNES, and Gameboy established game genres

Everything we know about Star Wars: Squadrons

Spoiler alert: I nerd out over Squadrons. I'm so hyped to hop in a TIE Fighter. Can it be October yet?

Thanks for checking out this week's issue. As always, enjoy the read and stay safe!

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Before You Go

Video games are so cool

Man, every summer always gets me so hyped for video games. New announcements look so good and I'm so excited to get my hands on as much stuff as I can. Mix that with the overwhelming excitement for next-gen and I'm so excited for the future.

If you're playing The Last of Us Part II, send me a note and let me know how you're liking it!

I'll see you next time!

Seth Morris