
A heavy week

A lot of this week's articles talk about sexual and emotional abuse in the gaming industry, so if you're not comfortable with those topics, it might be best to skip this week.

This week was heavy for a lot of people in the gaming industry. Even if you don't consider yourself apart of the industry, reading these stories still takes a toll. For a lot of people, it brings up unwanted memories. For others, it reminds them of how terrible people can be. But for all of us, this week shows us that change needs to happen, and it needs to happen now.

Seeing so many people be so strong and speak out about their experiences is the reason why change is coming. It would feel wrong to do a "top 3" articles from this week, so go read their stories and ask yourself what you can do to make this space more inclusive for everybody.

Stay safe,

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Before You Go

We've got to do better

These stories aren't an isolated occurrence. The saddest part about reading them is that something similar is probably happening right now. We have to do better. That means stopping the "edgy" jokes that might make people feel uncomfortable and be vigilant of abuse going on against non-white non-males.

It's easy to say "these companies need to do better," but it really starts with us. We need to watch our words and intentions and make sure that gaming can fully be enjoyed by everyone.

This isn't something that's done overnight, but little by little, we can make things better. Hopefully, next-gen can the generation where everyone can play and not fear abuse or hatred.

Seth Morris