
The gaming industry is not in a good place

The sexual allegations continued to roll out this week with the biggest effect on the gaming community. So far, EVO 2020 has been cancelled and many notable players from the Super Smash Bros. competitive scene have admitted to sexual misconduct. These are the signs of change coming to an industry that for too long ignored all the terrible things going on in its own community.

I will always be appreciative and amazed by the strength of the abused who have come forward and told their story. I can't imagine how painful it is to relive these scenarios, but because of their courage, change will come.

We also look at Ubisoft's culture of abuse and control, EA's response to misconduct in their community, and the awful state of the discord around The Last of Us Part II.

If there's anything to take away from this week and last week's issues, it's believe the abused stories.

Stay safe,

Load Save  


Before You Go

Thank you for reading

Thank you for reading another issue of Load Save. I want to apologize for a few less articles than normal in this issue. This past week has been incredibly hectic in my life and I ran out of time. I would much rather link meaningful articles than a few random ones I found at the last minute.

I'll see you next time,

Seth Morris